Dean of Students
Celebrating UCR's Outstanding Students
The AVC/Dean of Students coordinates the selection and recognition of outstanding seniors for the annual Graduating Senior Awards and Student Affairs Awards ceremonies. These events provide opportunities to recognize the extraordinary contributions of students to the division of Student Affairs throughout their time at UCR.
Graduating Senior Awards
Each year the office of the AVC/Dean of Students coordinates the selection and recognition of outstanding seniors for three special Graduating Senior Awards. These awards, the Thomas Broadbent Outstanding Senior Award, Loda Mae Davis Outstanding Senior Award and Marguleas Weiman Outstanding Humanitarian, recognize extraordinary accomplishments and contributions by students both in and out of the classroom.
- The Dean Thomas L. Broadbent Commencement Award The Dean Thomas L. Broadbent Award was established in 1965 by the Associated Men Students in memory of UCR’s first Dean of Students. It is presented to a graduating male-identified undergraduate student for outstanding participation in co-curricular campus activities and leadership in student organizations. A cumulative GPA of 3.2 is required at the time of application. An individual plaque and a $200 award will be given to the student. Deadline: April 19, 2024.
- The Dean Loda Mae Davis Commencement Award Established in 1964 by the Prytanean Society, a women’s honorary society, in memory of U’s First Dean of Women, Loda Mae Davis. It is presented to a graduating student for outstanding participation in campus life and leadership in student organizations. A minimum GPA of 3.2 is required. An individual plaque and a $200 award will be given to the student. Due: April 19, 2024.
- The Marguleas/Weiman Humanitarian of the Year Commencement Award This award was established in 1989 by Anthony Marguleas in honor of his grandparents, Joe & Belle Marguleas and Louis & Jessie Weiman, who dedicated their lives to the betterment of their community. It is awarded to a graduating student who serves, not seeking recognition or financial compensation, but to help others, a “true volunteer and role model.” Candidates for the award may be self-nominated or nominated by a member of the UCR community (faculty, staff or fellow UCR student); an off-campus community volunteer service organization or a student group. An individual plaque and a $200 award will be given to the student. Due: April 19, 2024.
Student Affairs Awards
The office of the AVC/Dean of Students also coordinates the Annual Student Affairs Awards Ceremony, which celebrates contributions by UCR students to the division of Student Affairs, the University and its students. Over 130 students are recognized at each year's event for their work in various Student Affairs departments and associated student organizations from financial aid to housing to career services to our ethnic and gender programs.